How to create API keys for KuCoin?

To create API key you need to have an account on

To create an account please use the button Sign up.

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Step 1. After you are successfully logged in find the button of your account and tap the line API management.

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In the new page we press the button Create API.


Specify a name for the new API key and API passphrase. You also need to add permission to Trade, choose No in the «IP Restriction» section and click the «Next» button.

ATTENTION! Do not add Withdraw to the key parameters.

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Now you need to go through verification by email.

1) Enter the trading password specified during registration,
2) Click on the Send code button, and 3) enter Email verification code received,
4) Enter your Google Authenticator code,
5) Click the Confirm button.

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After you click the Confirm button, your API key will be generated automatically. Copy the API key and secret key.

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ATTENTION! The secret key will be shown only once. To use it further please save it in the safe folder.

Step 2. Add the key to Cryptorobotics account.

Use the + ADD NEW EXCHANGE button in the Account -> Exchange accounts section.

  1. Choose the exchange: KuCoin
  2. Add the API key from your account on KuCoin
  3. Add the Secret key from your account on KuCoin
  4. Enter the API-key password you entered when creating this key on the exchange
  5. Enter the description
  6. Click Add new exchange

After the key was added, it will appear in the same window, start Trading or Algotrading.

Important! Please note that in order to trade on the CryptoRobotics platform, your funds must be located in a trading account on the KuCoin exchange.

If your package includes the Multiple accounts, you can add as many keys of KuCoin as you have.